Just a small update. I took 15 mins and updated the haskell-mode
printer a bit so that everything is indented by default, and lists are
expanded as [1,2,…]
rather than 1:(2:…)
Andrew Gibiansky contacted me about getting a front-end added for IHaskell, which would be lovely! I designed the present package specifically aimed at working on Emacs or the browser or wherever. So I sent him back an excessively long email about how to integrate it.
It might also be worth adding to tryhaskell, too. It’d be rather easy and helpful to newbies.
Also, update to the loeb example:
> :present loeb (map (\i l -> Node i (map (fmap (+1)) l)) [1..3])
Tree Integer
Tree Integer
[Tree Integer
Tree Integer
[Tree Integer]]
,[Tree Integer]]
,[Tree Integer]]]
,[Tree Integer]]
,[Tree Integer]
,Tree Integer
,Tree Integer] ,
You can really drill down into those structures!