I wanted to underscore a specific point about Haskell’s metaprogramming capabilities. It doesn’t have a macro system, the kind that Lispers love. It has metaprogramming, yes. But not the kind that’s useful in the same way.
In Lisp, macros are:
Macros are functions that take in this tree of tokens, either atomic lexical tokens, or lists denoted by balanced parentheses, and do some transforms, and return the same as output.
"bar" (123) nil (blob x)) (foo
In Haskell, we have GHC’s Template Haskell. What that provides is:
– this syntax means: run the code
, in the Q
monad, at compile time, and it
should produce a valid Haskell abstract syntax tree.[|bar|]
– this means: produce an action in
the Q
monad which will produce the abstract syntax tree for
the code bar
– this means: the
is a parser that will parse the string contents
and produce an abstract syntax tree in the
monad.This code is ran at compile-time. That’s different to Lisp.
In Lisp, e.g. Common Lisp, we have:
– run the code to produce a tree.'bar
or '(bar abc)
– quote the
code, that’s all.`bar
or `(bar ,foo)
– this
is like a regular quotation, but I can place ,
anywhere to
mean “run this code”.The code runs at runtime at this point, not compile-time yet.1
To have macros run at compile-time, Common Lisp specifically has
to define a macro. Here’s an example of the famous
anaphoric if. It’s a short-hand for let-binding followed by an
immediate if, testing that the value is “true-ish” (non-nil), and makes
whatever it is available as it
in the if:
defmacro aif (test-form then-form else-form)
(let ((it ,test-form))
`(if it ,then-form ,else-form))) (
You use it like this:
(aif (calculate-something) (use it) (do-something-else))
Here’s how we implement the same thing in Template Haskell:
aif testForm thenForm elseForm | let it = $testForm
[in if it
then $thenForm
else $elseForm
So far so good, apart from the fact no one would write this macro in Haskell.2 Here’s how we use it:
$(aif [|calculate something|] [|use it|] [|something other|])
Oh no! I have to manually quote every argument myself! The quotation
syntax isn’t even short, I have to write [| .. |]
everything. No one will use your macros if they are like that.
Haskell has what it calls “quasiquotes” which are like Lisp’s reader macros: You can parse an arbitrary string and produce an AST for the compiler. They’re actually great for embedding other languages into Haskell like JSON, YAML, HTML, etc.
Maybe that could make writing this easy? Perhaps something like:
[aif|calculate something; use it; something other|]
On the surface this looks like we’re there. But we’re not, because
remember that Haskell’s metaprogramming requires you to produce an AST.
The type Exp
forms the abstract syntax tree and looks like
data Exp = VarE Name | ConE Name | LitE Lit | AppE Exp Exp | AppTypeE
Exp Type | ...
So you can’t go from the string above into the compiler without converting to an AST. You need a parse step.
Fine, let’s just import GHC’s own parser to produce the AST. Surely that’s possible? Sadly, not. GHC’s own API parser has a completely different tree type to the one in Template Haskell.3 This is where we get stuck.
Implementing such a translation might be the way to salvage quasi-quote syntax into a macro system. It might be a little slow, though. It’d need long-term maintenance.
Quasiquotes in GHC optimise a different use-case to macros: they let you deal with foreign languages. Macros let you add slight enhancements to your existing language.
A quick fix to at least let us get at the parse tree would be to have some special syntax, e.g. to make something up completely4:
!(if calculate something then use it else something other) aif
Could produce:
$(aif [| if calculate something then use it else something other |])
The limitation here is that the input to the macro has to parse
correctly into an AST. You can’t have the branches of the
separately from the if
The surface syntax of Lisp (token trees), used by the macro system, is a superset of the core syntax of Lisp (let/setf/cond/progn, etc.). Unfortunately, the surface syntax of Haskell (used by the metaprogramming) is exactly the core syntax:
> :t $(lamE [varP (mkName "x")] (varE (mkName "x")))
<interactive>:1:3-46: Splicing expression lamE [varP (mkName "x")] (varE (mkName "x"))
-> x \ x
This is how you have to construct the AST in Haskell: it has to be of the right schema immediately, there’s no way to produce a “loose tree of tokens” that TH will consume for you.
Additionally, quotation demands correct syntax too:
[| let |]
is a syntax error. What if I wanted to define my
own variation on let? Too bad.
This would encourage strange warping and re-using of existing syntax to achieve what you want. I don’t think this is a good idea on the whole.
Therefore, we either have to fit our macros into existing syntax (as above), or parse strings (quasiquotes). We need the middle ground that Lisp offers.
Going back to the original definition of macros, we had:
Let’s explore this in Haskell. If we had this, it might look like:
!(calculate something; use it; something other) aif
This is light-weight. It doesn’t require a parser. We could receive the lexical tokens as:
calculate something ; use it ; something other
The only special addendum would be that bracketing syntax be balanced
into a tree, so: () {} []
Just like in Lisp. Finally, the Template Haskell API would provide a
trivial way to go from a token tree to an abstract syntax tree:
into CondE ...
So the following constructs would be fine:
!1 -- natural number.
nat![1,2,3] -- non-empty list.
ne!cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eba035e633b65d94 -- compile-time validated sha1
sha1!"[email protected]" -- compile-time validated email
email!{1 2 3 c 4}
set![ 1, 2, 3 ] -- vector type
vecmap!{ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 } -- easier-to-read compile-time constructed map
!(x <- y
ado<- z
y -- applicative or qualified do could have been macros x)
(If you don’t find those examples enticing there’s no hope for you.)
As it happens, Rust’s macros work just like this. Lisp’s do. Haskell could potentially have this. It depends whether the community wants it, and/or whether someone is willing to implement a patch for GHC and lobby for it. But it seemed worth pointing out.
Thanks Jānis Džeriņš and Mihai Bazon for reviewing this post.
They’re also syntactic sugar for QUOTE
. The latter can be
implemented with macros.↩︎
No one would write this because Haskell doesn’t have “true-ish-ness” or implicit null, so this would simply produce a type error. But we’re going with a very typical example.↩︎
Feel like writing that translation? Haskell’s surface syntax is big; be my guest. See Nikita Volkov’s famous records library post for an example of where this bites:
↩︎Unfortunately since the introduced syntax is not supported by “haskell-src-exts” and since neither does that library expose a parser API, Haskell syntax parsing needs to be reimplemented in the “record” library. This is not a trivial task, so currently the quasi-quoters do not support all of the Haskell syntax. All the basic stuff is supported however: variables, literals, tuple and list syntax. Don’t worry though, if you’ll try to use something unsupported, you’ll get notified during compilation.
Actually, this is very similar to Rust syntax.↩︎
An open question would be whether you would include
whitespace-aligned lines as “these are a list of trees”, to support
Haskell’s indentation-sensitive syntax. Personally, I never liked that
part of Haskell. But it’s a real consideration, it’s how people code in
reality. Infix operators are another consideration: you may want to
resolve their precedence, or not. If you want *
prefix/postfix position, then balancing shouldn’t get in your way.↩︎