‘amb’ operator and the list monad

A friend was messing about with the amb operator in JavaScript after seeing it in Common Lisp. The amb (or ambiguous) operator, first described by our pal John McCarthy (1967), and something I first encountered in SICP.

These kind of constraint/logic puzzles seem naturally solved by the list monad, here’s an example of solving ‘Who owns the fish?’ Similar to the Zebra puzzle.

-- Translation of
-- http://mihai.bazon.net/blog/amb-in-javascript/take-two#wotf

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

whoOwnsTheFish = addHouse []

addHouse houses = do

  nat <- other "nat" ["British","Swedish","Danish","Norwegian"
  col <- other "col" ["red","green","white","yellow","blue"]
  pet <- other "pet" ["dogs","cats","horses","birds","fish"]
  bev <- other "bev" ["tea","milk","coffee","beer","water"]
  tob <- other "tob" ["pallmall","dunhill","marlboro"

  (nat == "British")  `iff` (col == "red")
  (nat == "Swedish")  `iff` (pet == "dogs")
  (nat == "Danish")   `iff` (bev == "tea")
  (col == "white")    `iff`
    (thisHouse > 0 && "col" `lookup` (houses!!(thisHouse - 1))
                       == Just "green")
  (col == "green")    `iff` (bev == "coffee")
  (tob == "pallmall") `iff` (pet == "birds")
  (col == "yellow")   `iff` (tob == "dunhill")
  (thisHouse == 2)    `iff` (bev == "milk")
  (thisHouse == 0)    `iff` (nat == "Norwegian")
  (tob == "winfield") `iff` (bev == "beer")
  (nat == "German")   `iff` (tob == "rothmans")

  let h = [("nat",nat),("bev",bev),("tob",tob),("pet",pet)
      a = houses ++ [h]
  if length a == 5
     then do neighbors a "tob" "marlboro"  "pet" "cats"
             neighbors a "pet" "horses"    "tob" "dunhill"
             neighbors a "nat" "Norwegian" "col" "blue"
             neighbors a "tob" "marlboro"  "bev" "water"
             return a
     else addHouse a

  where other typ = filter (isNothing . findHouse houses typ)
        thisHouse = length houses

findHouse houses typ val =
  fmap fst . find ((==Just val) . lookup typ . snd) . zip [0..]
   $ houses

neighbors houses typ1 val1 typ2 val2 = guard $ diff == Just 1
  where diff = do h1 <- findHouse houses typ1 val1
                  h2 <- findHouse houses typ2 val2
                  return $ abs $ h1 - h2

iff x y = guard $ x == y