hindent: A Haskell indenter

A question of style

In this post I’m going to use the word “style” to refer to the way code is printed in concrete terms. No changes in the code that would yield a different syntax tree are considered “style” here.

What’s the deal with code style?

Code style is important! If you’re a professional Haskell programmer, you’re working with Haskell code all day. The following things are affected by the style used:

Code style is important! Let’s have a code style discussion. I propose to solve it with tooling.

Is this really an issue, though?

Okay, so I’m one guy with a bee in his bonnet. Let’s do a quick Google and see what others are saying in this StackOverflow question:

Could someone provide a link to a good coding standard for Haskell? I’ve found this and this, but they are far from comprehensive.

The following points refer to style:

Even the Haskell community is not immune to long, protracted debates about tabs vs spaces. That reddit submission has zero points. That means it’s very controversial. The submission also has 117 comments. That means people are very vocal about this topic. That’s because bike-shedding is inversely proportional to the triviality of the debated thing. We know that.

Nevertheless, style is important enough to be discussed.

So let’s formalise a standard style

That’s a simplification. There are many style guides:

These are just public ones. In-house styles are also common, for a particular company. It’s not practical to force everyone into one single style. It’s a well-worn topic in the C world.

Okay, but is this a problem tooling even needs to solve?

There is precedent for other tooling based on style:

Everyone has their own style

So then let’s make a tool with a select number of styles, you might say. The problem is that people don’t even use the standards that exist out there. They used slightly varying versions. Ask any Haskeller what style they use, and they will say “mostly like X, but with some differences.”

For example What are some good style guides for writing Haskell code?2

I use a very similar style, with a few modifications. […] Perhaps I should write out my own style guide at some point, especially as I’ve become pretty set in my style lately.

And Good Haskell Coding Style3:

My Personal Pet Peeves

For the most part the style guides that I have added above (and the tools provided) mirror my own style guide (or perhaps my guide mirrors them). However, there is one item of style that particularly annoys me on a regular basis. […]

Can’t we just use structured editors?

Some more optimistic folk out there might suggest, perhaps, we should just throw away text files and go straight for structured code databases. Put all this formatting nonsense behind us. Layout is just a stylesheet! It’s not data to be stored in a file!

Maybe so. But nobody is using structured editors yet.

A practical way forward

Taking all of the above into consideration, here is my approach at the problem. The hindent library and program. Styled on GNU indent, the intention is that you simply run the program on some source code and it reformats it.

$ hindent
hindent: arguments: --style [fundamental|chris-done|johan-tibell]

hindent has the concept of styles built in. There is a type for it:

data Style =
  forall s. Style {styleName :: !Text
                  ,styleAuthor :: !Text
                  ,styleDescription :: !Text
                  ,styleInitialState :: !s
                  ,styleExtenders :: ![Extender s]
                  ,styleDefConfig :: !Config

It contains authorship metadata. It holds an initial state which can be used during printing. Most importantly, it has a list of extenders. Means to extend the printer and change its behaviour on a node-type-specific basis.

Take a normal pretty printing approach. It’s usually something like:

class Pretty a where
  pretty :: a -> String

Then for all the types in the AST we implement an instance of Pretty.

The limitation here is that we can’t, as a user of the library, decide to print one particular node type differently.

Instead, here’s a new class:

class (Annotated ast,Typeable ast) => Pretty ast where
  prettyInternal :: ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()

(It runs in a Printer type to store some state about the current column and indentation level, things like that.)

Now, we implement the prettyInternal method for all our types. But when implementing instances, we never use the prettyInternal method directly. Instead, we use another function, pretty, which can be considered the main “API” for printing, like before. Here’s the type:

pretty :: (Pretty ast) => ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()

We’ll look at its implementation in a moment. Here is an example instance of Pretty:

instance Pretty ClassDecl where
  prettyInternal x =
    case x of
      ClsTyDef _ this that ->
        do write "type "
           pretty this
           write " = "
           pretty that

See how pretty this and pretty that are used for recursing instead of prettyInternal? This approach is used for all instances.

Now let’s see what that affords us:

pretty :: (Pretty ast) => ast NodeInfo -> Printer ()
pretty a =
  do st <- get
     case st of
       PrintState{psExtenders = es,psUserState = s} ->
         do case listToMaybe (mapMaybe (makePrinter s) es) of
              Just m -> m
              Nothing -> prettyNoExt a
            printComments a
  where makePrinter s (Extender f) =
          case cast a of
            Just v -> Just (f s v)
            Nothing -> Nothing
        makePrinter s (CatchAll f) = (f s a)

In this function, we’re grabbing our (mentioned earlier) list of [Extender s] values from psExtenders and then looking up to see if any of the types match. To clarify, here is the Extender type:

data Extender s where
  Extender :: forall s a. (Typeable a) => (s -> a -> Printer ())
           -> Extender s
  CatchAll :: forall s. (forall a. Typeable a => s -> a -> Maybe (Printer ()))
           -> Extender s

Both constructors are rank-n. Both accept the current state as an argument and the current node. The Extender constructor is Prismesque. It’s existential, and lets you say “I want things of this type”. The CatchAll will just accept anything.

All that adds up to me being able to do something like this. Here’s a demo style:

demo =
  Style {styleName = "demo"
        ,styleAuthor = "Chris Done"
        ,styleDescription = "Demo for hindent."
        ,styleInitialState = ()
        ,styleExtenders =
           [Extender (\_ x ->
                        case x of
                          InfixApp _ a op b ->
                            do pretty a
                               pretty op
                               pretty b
                          _ -> prettyNoExt x)]
        ,styleDefConfig = def}

(The prettyNoExt is a publicly exposed version of the (private) method prettyInternal.)

Now let’s test the fundamental style versus our demo style:

λ> test fundamental "x = foo (a * b) + what"
x =
    (a * b) + what
λ> test demo "x = foo (a * b) + what"
x =

Viola! We’ve configured how to pretty print infix operators in a few lines of code.

In practice, there are three styles. Here’s a larger example:

foo = do print "OK, go"; foo (foo bar) -- Yep.
          (if bar then bob else pif) (case mu {- cool -} zot of
            Just x -> return ();
            Nothing -> do putStrLn "yay"; return (1,2)) bill -- Etc
  where potato Cakes {} = 2 * x foo * bar / 5

Fundamental style:

foo =
  do print
       "OK, go"
       (if bar
           then bob
           else pif)
       (case mu {- cool -}
               zot of
          Just x ->
          Nothing ->
            do putStrLn
       bill -- Etc
  where potato Cakes{} =
          2 * x
                foo * bar / 5

Johan Tibell’s style (which I’ve only started implementing, there’re some things I need to clarify):

foo = do
    print "OK, go"
        (foo bar)
        (if bar
             then bob
             else pif)
        (case mu {- cool -} zot of
             Just x ->
                 return ()
             Nothing -> do
                 putStrLn "yay"
                 return (1, 2))
        bill -- Etc
    potato Cakes{} =
        2 * x foo * bar / 5

My style (pretty much complete):

foo =
  do print "OK, go"
     foo (foo bar)
         (if bar
             then bob
             else pif)
         (case mu {- cool -} zot of
            Just x -> return ()
            Nothing ->
              do putStrLn "yay"
                 return (1,2))
         bill -- Etc
  where potato Cakes{} = 2 * x foo * bar / 5

The styles are part of the module hierarchy of the package.

Write your own style!

I welcome anyone to write their own style. All styles are based upon the fundamental style, which should never change, by extending it. You can base yours off of another style, or start from scratch. While you can keep your style locally, like your XMonad configuration, it’s encouraged to contribute your style as a module.

My style and Johan’s are quite different. But yours may be similar with small tweaks. Another distinctly different style is Simon Peyton Jones’s with explicit braces. This is a style you can implement if you want it.

See the contributing section of the README for more info.

Preserving meaning

A recommendation is to preserve the meaning of the code. Don’t make AST changes. Like removing parentheses, changing $ into parens, moving lets into wheres, etc. You can do it, but the results might surprise you.

Editing advantages

Having implemented Emacs support, I have been using this for a few weeks on my own code. It’s amazing. I’ve all but stopped manually making style changes. I just write code and then hit C-c i and it almost always does exactly what I want.

It can’t always do what I want. It has simple, predictable heuristics. But even when it doesn’t do what I want, I’ve so far been okay with the results. The advantages vastly outweigh that.

Remaining problems

I need to write a test suite for the fundamental style (and maybe the others). This isn’t hard, it’s just a bit laborious so I haven’t gotten round to it yet.

There’re some parts of the AST I haven’t finished filling out. You can see them which are marked by FIXME’s. This just means if you try to format a node type it doesn’t know how to print, you’ll get a message saying so. Your code won’t be touched.

Comment re-insertion is a little bit of a challenge. I have a decent implementation that generally preserves comments well. There’re some corner cases that I’ve noticed, but I’m confident I have the right change to make to clear that up.

The fundamental printer is fast. My personal ChrisDone style is slower, due to its heuristics of deciding when to layout a certain way. It took 6s to layout a complex and large declaration. I updated my style and brought it down to 2s. That’s okay for now. There are always speed tricks that can be done.

There are of course issues like whether HSE can parse your code, whether you have #ifdef CPP pragmas in your code, and things like that. That’s just part of the general problem space of tools like this.

Remaining ideas

Currently you can only reformat a declaration. I don’t yet trust (any) Haskell printer with my whole file. I invoke it on a per-declaration basis and I see the result. That’s good for me at the moment. But in the future I might extend it to support whole modules.

Implement some operator-specific layouts. There are some operators that can really only be laid out in a certain way. Control.Applicative operators spring to mind:

Foo <$> foo
    <*> bar
    <*> mu

This can easily be handled as part of a style. Other considerations might be strings of lens operators. I’ve noticed that people tend not to put spaces around them, like:4


There’s also alignment, which is another possibility and easily implemented. The challenge will be deciding when alignment will look good versus making the code too wide and whitespacey. In my own style I personally haven’t implemented any alignment as it’s not that important to me, but I might one day.


Hopefully I’ve motivated the case that style is important, that formalizing style is important, and that automating it is practical and something we should solve and then move on, redirect our energy that was wasted on manually laying things out and debating.

  1. Granted, this isn’t a technical consideration. But it’s a real one.↩︎

  2. Both of these are referring to conventions other than simple layout, but I don’t think that detracts the point.↩︎

  3. Both of these are referring to conventions other than simple layout, but I don’t think that detracts the point.↩︎

  4. I don’t know lens’s operators so that might not be real code, but the point is that could be a style to implement.↩︎